Chain underwater
Kirby helmets
Titan & Twelve
Ship assistance
Underwater cutting
Titan Goree
Titan Gorée
KMB37SS diving

Welcome on our website.

TTSM ("Tous Travaux Sous Marins" : Subsea Works) is a Senegalese company, established in Dakar, since 1965.

Our company is involved in many aspects of marine activities :
- Marine surveys including hydrographic, geophysics, assistance to geotechnical investigations and environmental measures
- Subsea works on nearshore industrial submerged structures, pipes, cables, shore ends...
- Harbor repairs, marinas projects
- Waste-plants, outfalls, dams
- Ship maintenance of underwater parts of hull
- Marine operations support
- Salvage & pollution control

With more than 55 years of experience in maritime operations alongside West African shore, we are a reliable partner of your marine projects. 

Our services